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Showing posts from August, 2010

Quote for the Day

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain

Butterfly Garden Planning and Preparation

Here is a photo of a monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus that I raised. Sept. 2009 Planning and site preparation are the two most essential things to do when you want to have a successful butterfly garden. You might want to consider researching information provided to you by your local Agricultural Extension Office, butterfly gardening books specific to your region, or websites devoted to gardening instruction. When you have located the website for your county Agricultural office, look up wildscapes , gardening for wildlife or butterfly gardening and read the informative brochures on line. The individuals who wrote them have experience in the planning and procedural aspects of all types of gardens. Second, be sure you are aware of your specific plant hardiness zone map; you can find one on the National Arboretum Web-site. From there, it will be easier for you to see which plants do well in your zone. Another method of research can be easily found in your neighborhood family owned an

Butterfly Garden

Here is a photo of a small butterfly garden off my back porch. I will review the methods used in preparation and planning on my next post. If you click on the photo you can zoom in to see the flowers up close.
" Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." Thoreau Studying art is a dream of mine. Signed up for another ceramics course for the Fall Semester in Houston. Here are some photos from last semester.

Thrown Pottery

Here is a photo of some of my first attempts at throwing pottery on the wheel. Ceramics class Spring 2010, Houston Community College.

The Enabler

Jesus can help you and enable you to survive trouble and tribulation. He will enable you to forgive others who have hurt you, rejected you and wronged you. Those who have harmed you are living in ignorance and darkness. His light points the way to the truth. Notes from Charles Stanley sermon, Atlanta, Georgia, 8-2010

Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center

I just adore the beauty of cobalt blue bottle trees. Last summer I visited Shangri La in Orange, Texas. Here is a photo I took of the river during the boat ride tour.
Spectacular Amaryllis bloom taken in April, 2010. This tropical bulb does well in Houston, Texas. I just love the beautiful color of this specimen. It was purchased from The Garden Club of Houston's annual bulb market held each October. This amaryllis is planted in filtered sun in well drained rich soil. It is a Springtime gift. After this plant is a few years old it can easily be subdivided in the fall.