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Showing posts from October, 2010

Early voting

Wondering about the candidates to chose from in your state elections? Wondering where they stand on specific issues important to you and your family? If so, you can go to the website, , and click on your specific state to be directed to the officials on the ballot with all the information you may want to know about them easily accessible to you with just a click. Just go out and vote because it is important that you do for the sake of our future. Good luck in your decision making...

Muscadine Grape Arbor

A few years ago my husband built a grape arbor for our garden. Here is a picture of the fruit in the Summer of 2010. The vines are not yet producing enough to make Muscadine wine or jelly but when they do I'll let you know. I purchased the vines from Treesearch Farms in Houston.

What to do with a window?

Ever wonder what to do with those old windows you find yourself picking up from flea markets or antiques shops? Here is an idea that I got from a shop in Fredericksburg, Texas. Just nail and glue them together to form a mini greenhouse or herbarium. Set in a sunny window or a back porch to add some instant pizzazz to your decor not to mention the close access to herbs etc.


Character is who you are when no one but GOD is watching.

Roundtop, Texas

Here is a photo of the backside of the Blue Hill pavillion. They were ready for rain( plastic drop cloths) but, they were not necessary. The exterior areas of the booths usually held outdoor decor. Gardening implements, tables, urns, chairs, tools, iron gates, chicken coops, bird baths and lots more.

Roundtop, Texas

This is a photo of the Blue Hill venue. A large pavillion that housed numerous booths, not air conditioned but that was no problem because the weather was beautiful. Loving gardening and gardening decor, I found myself outside the booths looking at the garden decor a lot.

Roundtop Texas

Here is a photo of a table top design that inspired me.


Last week I visited the Roundtop antiques show. The weather was beautiful and I had a lovely time seeing the antiques and crafts. I purchased a jewelers magnifying lens for my husband to look at his treasured coin collection. I charged my camera the night before just to take photos and was so busy looking, I forgot to take photos. Here are a few that I took. I only visited the Old Depot,the Blue Hills event venue, and the Big red barn there was much more to see. My next visit in the spring time will allow me to see the other venues. Above is an old Turkish clay pot for $225 I saw. I am taking a ceramics course and throwing vessels so the pottery interested me.