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Showing posts from August, 2016

The Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Passiflora caerulea is a host plant for the Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae butterfly. The Gulf Fritillary butterfly is native to Texas and can be found fluttering about in the warm Summer sun feeding on floral nectar in your garden. The Passion flower vine is the specific host plant for the female butterfly, Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae .  It can be found at plant nurseries state wide.  The Passionflower has a beautiful bloom and it is quite astounding in its intricacies.  Many artists have delved into its spectacular characteristics.  This specific passionflower is a favorite of the Gulf Fritillary butterfly.  Healthy offspring, caterpillars (larva) can be reared on this specific vine. The fertilized female Gulf Fritillary butterfly will light upon the tips of new growth or its tendrils to  lay her eggs.  The eggs are cylindrical in shape and are colored a soft orange.  In just about five days the eggs will hatch and an almost minuscule caterpillar will emerg